Wine Club Fine Print

Your chosen wine club budget is an estimate. Actual cost depends on the wines selected. It may be a little more or a little less than the amount you choose, but over multiple shipments will average out to the chosen price level.

Price does not include sales tax (should it be a California sale & shipment) nor price of shipping. To find out the shipping cost, please contact us.

Wine Club members automatically receive our 10% case discount rate. Applies to wine club shipments and all other wine orders.

Wine Club members are typically not able to combine any other discounts or promotions (including shipping promotions). But, it never hurts to ask. Just get in touch with us and we'll do our best to help you out.

When it's about time for us to assemble your wine club, we will charge your credit card the last week of the previous month (for example, if you're due to receive wine in September, we'll charge you the last week of August.) Expect to receive your wine the first week of the month.

You may change, delay or terminate membership in the Back Room Wine Club at any time, with no further charge or penalty. Just be sure to let us know before it's time to send you more wine.

You're welcome to begin your wine club anytime. We'll get you started right away, then schedule your next delivery in three months, and so on.

If you're giving a Wine Club Membership as a gift, we'll include a welcoming note with the first shipment, a note from you, and details about future shipments. We'll also let you know when we have shipped future Wine Club shipments.

Wines always come with our tasting notes.

When you sign up for your Wine Club, you'll see an option to join indefinitely or for one year (four times total). If you wish anything different, just let us know in the Special Requests box.

Whether you choose to join our Napa Valley wine club, California wine club, Napa Cabernet club or International wine club, your wine club membership is very important to us. Expect to receive and enjoy wines such as Pahlmeyer, Anthhill Farms Pinot Noir and Copain Syrah in the Back Room Wine Club.