Friday, November 16 from 5:00-8:00 PM

Thanksgiving Wines

We all have a lot to be thankful for regardless of what shape we think the world is in. We have the bounty of nature to adore, from shimmering stars to babbling brooks. We have kind and generous people to celebrate,  to say nothing of their wondrous creations: music, art and literature. Man and nature perhaps reach their pinnacle in the world of wine. The unique flavors of grape and soil are guided by the winemaker to give us one of life's greatest pleasures. Come and share some wines we think will enhance any table on Thanksgiving:

Additional Information: 

  • This is a drop in tasting. Come anytime from 5 to 8!
  • Reservation not necessary.
  • $20/tasting.
  • Wines poured on sale for 10% discount during the event.